Monday, April 03, 2006

I helped a friend out and ..... exspected nothing in return

A?????, and others

I do believe you are correct. Besides I was repaid by you, remember the coffee and Zitner's Butter Krak eggs. That was all I wanted, Help out a FRIEND that needed it. I am sorry I was running late and made you think I forgot about you.

L????? knows how I am. When she got out of hospital some time ago we met for dinner and we sat and chatted until Applebee's closed. All I wanted was for her to know I cared about her even thou I didn't call. Some here know I not a phone person,. So if I call you feel prevailed LOL

Don't wait for me to call Bob

Quoting A?????? <???????>:

> A Real friend doesnt need to be repaid .....
> --- In, S??????
> <???????@...> wrote:
>> I was wondering the same thing, mistress ;)
>> ***********!! <**************...> wrote:
>> --- In, ??????? wrote:
>> >
>> > well you know how to repay the favor don't you?
>> >
>> Huh? What is that supposed to mean?? Forgive me if I am confused
> here a little bit but could you please reiterate what you were trying
> to say? What is your point here? A little clarification goes a long
> way here ok. Thanks!
>> ---------------------------------


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