Thursday, October 05, 2006

3 words after sex

3 words after sex....this is funny...have a sense of humor
Make up any 3 words you can say after sex. Put your name and the words below and then repost this.

Erin: Where's my smokes?
Azerell: Need a towel?
Tony: That was weird...
caitlin: that was amazing!
caitlin: again some time?
andrew: I've had better
Brittany: thanks you guys!
arielle: WHAT? done already?
kristin: man you suck!
Katie: Why'd you scream?
Trevor: what an STD?!
Cory E: WOW! Your Bleeding!!
Jes: wanna go 2?
Hali: What's your name?
Grant: Twins lost...SHIT!
joe: jesus loves you
arielle: you kinda sucked
Chad: who are you?
Brady: the condom broke.....
Corrie P: Really?! That's it?
Stephanie k: should we watch?
Padraic M: I"m ready again!
Becky: That was it?
Tamar--Where am i?
Carlo--- so.... I'm Carlo
Joey----See you around
Thomas-now your friend!
Mickey- i have aids! =D
Bar - You're also circumcised?!?!?!
Laura- that was quick
Lizzy- the weather's nice.
Jenny- Daphne and Celeste
Kyle P!!- Oops! Wrong hole!
Shaunna- I'll finish myself
Minho- Where's My Condom?
Jason- Still not awake..........................nice
Tiff - what's your name?
Bob - what's your FIRST


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